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2022 Sightings

 December 2022
 31st December: 2 (Ad. & 1st Win.) White-tailed Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard, 2 Peregrine & 3 Great White Egret, Angliham, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 31st December: Ad. Iceland Gull, Sandwich Tern & 1st Win. Nelson's Gull (Herring X Glaucous Gull hybrid), Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Pat Lonergan).
 31st December: Ad. Ring-billed Gull, again present, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city.
 31st December: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, South Park, Galway city.
 30th December: 2 Mediterranean Gull & 5 Sandwich Tern, Coranroo Bay (Sean Holland).
 29th December: Ad. Ring-billed Gull, again present, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city.
 29th December: 2 Marsh Harrier & Great White Egret, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 27th December: Jack Snipe, Monivea Bog (Paidi Cullinan).
 27th December: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, South Park, Galway city.
 22nd December: Male Marsh Harrier, 2 ringtail Hen Harrier, 2 Merlin, Peregrine & 2 Great White Egret, Baranny/Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Ian O'Connor & Sean Holland).
 20th December: Barn Owl, M18 West of Gort (Cathal Forkan).
 19th December: 30 Chough, again present, Gurteen, Roundstone.
 19th December: Mediterranean Gull, South Park, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 19th December: Mediterranean Gull, Blackrock, Salthill, Galway city (Gerard Walshe).
 18th December: White-tailed Eagle, Fem./Imm. Marsh Harrier & Merlin, Baranny, Lough Corrib (Marcus Hogan).
 18th December: 2 White-tailed Eagle, Fem./Imm. Marsh Harrier, 2 Great White Egret & 2 Great Northern Diver, Angliham, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 17th December: Dipper, Bridge Mills, Galway city (Cathal Forkan).
 14th December: Female Marsh Harrier, Kilmacduagh Abbey, Nr. Gort (Cathal Forkan).
 12th December: Jack Snipe, Mutton Island causeway, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 10th December: Jack Snipe, Knockranny (Paul Troake).
 10th December: Slavonian Grebe, Ardfry (Sean Holland).
 10th December: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, South Park, Galway city.
 9th December: Possible Goshawk, Poulnaclough on the Barna-Moycullen road (Pádraig Keirns).
 8th December: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, South Park, Galway city.
 7th December: Ringtail Hen Harrier, Renville, Nr. Oranmore (Sean Holland).
 5th December: Ad. Ring-billed Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 4th December: Female Ring-necked Duck & 3 Ruff, Belclare turlough (Dermot Breen).
 2nd December: Brambling, Tooreen, Nr. Ballindereen (Paul Troake).
 November 2022
 28th November: Great-spotted Woodpecker, Portumna (John Murphy).
 28th November: 51 Greenland White-fronted Goose, Creganna marsh (John Curley).
 28th November: Grey Phalarope, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 28th November: Male Hen Harrier & 2 (Male & Juv.) Marsh Harrier, Baranny, Lough Corrib (Gerard Walshe).
 27th November: Grey Phalarope, Spiddal Pier (Aoife Boyd).
 26th November: Ad. White-tailed Eagle, Female Hen Harrier, Juv. Marsh Harrier & Great White Egret, Barranny, Lough Corrib (Cathal Forkan).
 26th November: Juv. Ring-necked Duck, Rostaff Lake, Co. Galway/Co. Mayo border (Cathal Forkan).
 25th November: 1st Win. Iceland Gull, Waterside, Galway city (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 24th November: 28 Greenland White-fronted Goose, Creganna marsh (John Curley).
 22nd November: Short-eared Owl, Inishmore (Kevin Mullin).
 22nd November: Male Smew & 450 Tufted Duck, Rostaff Lake, Co. Galway/Co. Mayo border (Neil Sharkey).
 22nd November: Juv. Eider, Mannin Beg, Ballyconneely (Dermot Breen).
 20th November: Male Marsh Harrier, Angliham, Lough Corrib (Neil Ellis).
 19th November: 4 drake Long-tailed Duck, 2 Sandwich Tern & 3 Red-throated Diver, Pollagh, Kinvara Bay (Paul Troake).
 14th November: 3 Grey Phalarope, Eyrephort Beach, Nr. Clifden (Dermot Breen).
 14th November: 2 Brambling, Moycullen (Gerard Walshe).
 13th November: 49 Whooper Swan, Kilkerrin, Nr. Glennamaddy (Neil Ellis).
 13th November: 100 Greenland White-fronted Goose, Glennamaddy turlough (Neil Ellis).
 13th November: Ad. White-tailed Eagle, 3 (Male & 2 Ringtail) Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard & Kestrel, Barranny, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 7th November: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, Kinvara (Paul Troake).
 7th November: Pomarine Skua, flew West over N59 at Leetershea, 9 km East of Clifden (Dermot Breen).
 6th November: Male Merlin, Galway Wind Park, Seecon (Paidi Cullinan).
 5th November: White-tailed Eagle & Marsh Harrier, Baranny, Lough Corrib (Ian O'Connor).
 4th November: 36 Greenland White-fronted Goose, Creganna marsh (John Curley).
 October 2022
 31st October: Leach's Petrel, picked up dead at Dog's Bay, Roundstone (Steve Walton).
 30th October: 2 Hen Harrier, Barranny, Lough Corrib (Ian O'Connor).
 28th October: Ad. Ring-billed Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 27th October: Juv. Arctic Tern & Ad. Little Gull, Mutton Island causeway, Galway city (Cathal Forkan).
 27th October: 3 (2 Ad. & 1st Win.) Mediterranean Gull, Mutton Island causeway, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 27th October: Snow Bunting, Knockranny (Shane Cully).
 26th October: Leach's Petrel, Muckrush/Barranny, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 26th October: 1st Win. Mediterranean Gull, Waterside, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 25th October: Great-spotted Woodpecker, Derrycrag Wood, Woodford (Tom Murtagh).
 23rd October: Grey Phalarope & Lesser Whitethroat, Inishbofin (Aonghus O'Donaill, Cathal Forkan & Gerard Walshe).
 18th October: 30 Chough, Gurteen, Roundstone (Nicholas Griffin).
 18th October: Drake American Wigeon, again present, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore.
 17th October: Pomarine Skua, Great Skua, 9 Manx Shearwater & Puffin, Inishbofin (Daniel Mantle & Plaxy Barrett).
 17th October: 1st cal.yr. Barred Warbler & 2 Firecrest, again present, Inishbofin.
 17th October: 4 Common Scoter, Inchiquin, Lough Corrib (Neil Sharkey).
 17th October: 4 Arctic Tern, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 17th October: Snow Bunting, Diamond Hill, Connemara National Park, Letterfrack (Dermot Breen).
 17th October: Pied Flycatcher, again present, Tempaill Ciaran, Inishmore.
 17th October: Common Rosefinch, Tempaill Ciaran, Inishmore (Hugh Delaney).
 17th October: Firecrest, Bun Gabhla, Inishmore (Hugh Delaney).
 16th October: Fieldfare, 6 Redwing & Merlin, Inishmore (Hugh Delaney).
 16th October: Yellow-browed Warbler, Tempaill Ciaran, Inishmore (Hugh Delaney).
 16th October: Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch & 2 Firecrest, again present, Inishbofin.
 16th October: Blackpoll Warbler, Inishbofin (Steve Millar).
 16th October: Redwing, Moycullen (Gerard Walshe).
 16th October: Redwing, Tooreen (Paul Troake).
 15th October: Firecrest & Common Rosefinch, again present, Inishbofin.
14th October: Greenland Redpoll (ssp. rostrata) & Garden Warbler, Inishbofin (Paul Kelly).
 14th October: Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher & Garden Warbler, Inishmore (Hugh Delaney).
 14th October: Drake American Wigeon, again present, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore.
 13th October: Ad. Mediterranean Gull, South Park, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 13th October: Firecrest, Yellow-browed Warbler & 2 Snow Bunting, Inishbofin (Paul Kelly).
 12th October: Lapland Bunting, Inishbofin (Paul Kelly).
 12th October: 4 Firecrest & 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Inishbofin.
 12th October: Juv. Little Stint, again present, Rusheen Bay, Galway city.
 12th October: 98 Whooper Swan, 28 Greenland White-fronted Goose & 3 Ruff, Rahasane turlough (Tom Murtagh).
 12th October: 2 Firecrest, Conneely's garden, Slyne Head (Dermot Breen).
 12th October: Barred Warbler, Inishbofin (Steve Millar).
 11th October: Alder Flycatcher, Ring Ouzel, Common Rosefinch & Yellow-browed Warbler, again present, Inishbofin.
 11th October: Yellow Wagtail, Inishbofin (Steve Millar).
 11th October: 3 Firecrest, Inishbofin (Sean Walsh & Paul Kelly).
 10th October: Alder Flycatcher, again present, Inishbofin.
 10th October: Common Rosefinch, again present, Pig Farm, Inishbofin.
 10th October: 1st Win. Ring Ouzel,graveyard, Inishbofin (Paidi Cullinan).
 10th October: Firecrest, Inishbofin.
 10th October: Glossy Ibis, Lough Atalia, Galway city (Michael O'Reilly).
 9th October: 3 Common Rosefinch, Inishbofin (per Irishbirding).
 9th October: Alder Flycatcher & Yellow-browed Warbler, again present, Inishbofin.
 8th October: 2 Juv. Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper & Drake American Wigeon, again present, Inishmore.
 8th October: Lesser Whitethroat, Inishmore (Dermot Breen, Cathal Forkan, Aonghus O'Donaill & Gerard Walshe).
 8th October: 2 (eclipse drake & Juv.) Ring-necked Duck, now present, Inishmore (Dermot Breen, Cathal Forkan, Aonghus O'Donaill & Gerard Walshe).
 8th October: Alder Flycatcher, Inishbofin (Steve Millar & Tom Buckley).
 8th October: 3 Curlew Sandpiper, Kilcaimin (Sean Holland).
 8th October: Spotted Flycatcher, Seven Churches, Inishmore (Dermot Breen).
 7th October: 2 Common Rosefinch, again present, Inishbofin.
 7th October: 2 Curlew Sandpiper, Inishmore (Dermot Breen).
 7th October: Juv. Pectoral Sandpiper, again present, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore.
 7th October: Juv. Pectoral Sandpiper, Trawmore, Inishmore (Dermot Breen).
 6th October: Common Rosefinch, again present, Inishbofin.
 6th October: Blue phase Fulmar, picked up in Tuam (Martin O'Malley).
 6th October: 5 Storm Petrel, between Baile na hAbhainn and Silver Strand, Galway Bay (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 6th October: Drake American Wigeon, again present, moved to Loch Dearg, Inishmore.
 6th October: Juv. Ring-necked Duck & Juv. Pectoral Sandpiper, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore (Dermot Breen).
 6th October: Ad. Win. Little Gull, South Park, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 5th October: Common Rosefinch, again present, Inishbofin.
 5th October: Curlew Sandpiper, Omey Strand (Dermot Breen).
 5th October: Juv. Little Stint & Kingfisher, again present, Rusheen Bay, Galway city.
 4th October: 2 Common Rosefinch & Yellow-browed Warbler, Inishbofin (Steve Millar & Tom Buckley).
 4th October: Ruff, Garganey, 800+ Golden Plover & 250+ Black-tailed Godwit, Rahasane turlough (Paul Troake).
 4th October: Curlew Sandpiper & Green Sandpiper, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 4th October: 1st Win. Mediterranean Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 3rd October: Drake American Wigeon, again present, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore.
 3rd October: Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Kilcaimin (Paul Troake).
 3rd October: Spotted Redshank, Storm Petrel & Common Sandpiper, Tawin (Paul Troake).
 2nd October: Common Rosefinch & Yellow-browed Warbler, again present, Inishbofin.
 2nd October: Merlin, Cleggan (Sean Holland).
 2nd October: Pied Flycatcher, Inishmore (per Irishbirding).
 2nd October: Drake American Wigeon, Loch Phort Chorrugh, Inishmore (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 2nd October: Red-eyed Vireo, Gort na gCapall, Murvey, Inishmore (Cathal Forkan).
 1st October: Common Rosefinch & Yellow-browed Warbler, Inishbofin (Steve Millar).
 September 2022
 30th September: Juv. Little Stint & 5 Curlew Sandpiper, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 30th September: Arctic Skua, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 29th September: Juv. Common Rosefinch & Arctic Skua, Inishbofin (Cathal Forkan & Aonghus O'Donaill).
 28th September: Curlew Sandpiper, Loughnahulla (Sean Holland).
 28th September: Juv. Little Stint & Kingfisher, again present, Rusheen Bay, Galway city.
 27th September: Juv. Little Stint, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 26th September: 12 Chough, Dog's Bay, Roundstone (Alastair Dent).
 25th September: Mediterranean Gull, South Park, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 25th September: 4 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff & Juv. Peregrine, Kilcaimin (John Curley).
 24th September: Juv. Peregrine, Caranavoodaun turlough (Chris Peppiatt).
 23rd September: Kingfisher, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Gerard Walshe).
 22nd September: Knot & 3 Ruff, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 22nd September: Garganey, Rahasane turlough (Paul Troake).
 20th September: Juv. Little Stint & Juv. Little Gull, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Cathal Forkan).
 20th September: Juv. Little Stint, Omey Strand (Dermot Breen).
 19th September: 6 Pectoral Sandpiper & 3 Ruff, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 18th September: 2 Sabine's Gull, Stags of Bofin, Inishbofin (John Brittain & Sue Brittain).
 18th September: White-tailed Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Juv. Little Stint & Black Tern, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Cathal Forkan & Aonghus O'Donaill).
 18th September: 8 Sanderling, Mutton Island, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 17th September: 2 Whimbrel, Killeenaran (Neil Ellis).
 17th September: 4-5 Curlew Sandpiper, Kilcaimin (Sean Holland).
 17th September: Marsh Harrier, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Sean Holland).
 16th September: Yellow Wagtail, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 15th September: Pectoral Sandpiper & 2 Ruff, Caranavoodaun turlough (Ray Glynn & Paul Troake).
 15th September: 2 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Merlin & 16 Knot, Kilcaimin (Sean Holland).
 14th September: 35 Light-bellied Brent Goose, 4 Mediterranean Gull, Common Scoter, Common Sandpiper & 2 Kingfisher, Oranmore (Paul Troake).
 14th September: Pectoral Sandpiper, Ruff, 4 Dunlin & 2 Ringed Plover, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 12th September: 4 Turnstone, Greenshank, 2 Pectoral Sandpiper, 14+ Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, 5 Ruff, 25+ Dunlin, 9 Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper, Knot & 81 Little Grebe, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 11th September: 3 Ruff, Rahasane turlough (Sean Holland).
 10th September: 2 Ruff & 2 Black Tern, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 10th September: 8 Curlew Sandpiper & Little Stint, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 10th September: 3 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Knot & Arctic Skua, Loughaunbeg (Ger Walshe).
 10th September: 88 Mediterranean Gull, Kilkieran Harbour (Dermot Breen).
 9th September: 11 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Ruff & Knot, Caranavoodaun turlough (Sean Holland).
 9th September: 8 Curlew Sandpiper, Greenshank, Little Stint & White-tailed Eagle, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (John Curley).
 9th September: Juv. Black Tern, again present, Fahy Lough, Omey Island.
 9th September: Black Tern, Nimmo's Pier/Mutton Island, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 8th September: Garganey, 875 Teal, 70+ Wigeon, 15 Pintail, Ruff, 2 Golden Plover & 1st. Win. Mediterranean Gull, Rahasane turlough (Paul Troake).
 7th September: 15 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 6 Ruff, 22 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Pover & Knot, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 7th September: 6 Pectoral Sandpiper, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 7th September: Juv. Black Tern, Fahy Lough, Omey Island (Jimmy Byrne).
 6th September: Swift, Inishbofin (Eoin Roddy).
 6th September: Little Stint, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 5th September: 10 Curlew Sandpiper, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 5th September: 5 Curlew Sandpiper, Kilcaimin (John Curley).
 5th September: 6 Pectoral Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 5 Ruff & Juv. Little Stint, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake & Sean Holland).
 4th September: 9 Curlew Sandpiper & 2 Pectoral Sandpiper, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 4th September: Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Curlew Sandpiper & Juv. Little Stint, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 4th September: Black Tern, Angliham, Lough Corrib (Paul Troake).
 4th September: 3 Juv. Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling & 16 Knot, Kilcaimin (Paul Troake).
 3rd September: 4 Curlew Sandpiper, Kilcaimin (Dermot Breen).
 3rd September: 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, 3 White Wagtail & 2 (Ad. & Imm.) White-tailed Eagle, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Dermot Breen & Neil Ellis).
 3rd September: 5 Pectoral Sandpiper, 6 Curlew Sandpiper, 7 Ruff, Juv. Little Stint, Green Sandpiper & Common Sandpiper, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 2nd September: Mediterranean Gull, Oranmore Bay (Paul Troake).
 2nd September: Mediterranean Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 2nd September: Pectoral Sandpiper & Juv. Little Stint, again present, Caranavoodaun turlough.
 1st September: Pectoral Sandpiper, Juv. Little Stint, 5+ Ruff, 1-2 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 35 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Dunlin & 2 Pintail, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 August 2022
 31st August: Garganey, Ruff, 11 Dunlin, Ringed Plover, 8 Black-tailed Godwit & 2 ringtail Hen Harrier, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill & Paul Troake).
 29th August: Ad. Sabine's Gull & 2 Grey Phalarope, North of Slyne Head (John Brittain & Sue Brittain).
 28th August: Whimbrel & 50 Black-tailed Godwit, Caranavoodaun turlough (Chris Peppiatt).
 28th August: 7-8 Grey Phalarope, North-west of Slyne Head (John Brittain & Sue Brittain).
 25th August: 2 Garganey, Caherglassaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 25th August: Green Sandpiper, Lydacan turlough (Paul Troake).
 25th August: Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Juv. Ruff & 41 Black-tailed Godwit, Caranavoodaun turlough (Paul Troake).
 21st August: Hen Harrier & White-tailed Eagle, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Dermot Breen).
 20th August: 22 Sooty Shearwater, Bunowen, Mannin (Dermot Breen).
 19th August: 4 Sooty Shearwater, Bunowen, Mannin (Dermot Breen).
 17th August: Wilson's Petrel, 120+ Storm Petrel, 1,200+ Manx Shearwater, 4 Sooty Shearwater, 7 Arctic Tern, 2 Puffin & 3 Minke Whale, 11 km South-west of Inishmore (Mike Sylvia, Niall Keogh, Dermot Breen, Aonghus O'Donaill, Hugh Delaney & Gerard Walshe).
 14th August: Red Kite, Craughwell (Michael Bell & Molly Bell).
 13th August: 4 Green Sandpiper & Marsh Harrier, Caranavoodaun (Dermot Breen).
 11th August: 2 Wood Sandpiper & White-tailed Eagle, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 8th August: Ad. Rose-coloured Starling, again present, Lettergesh.
 7th August: Ad. Rose-coloured Starling, again present, Lettergesh.
 6th August: Ad. Rose-coloured Starling, Lettergesh (Vivienne Cummings).
 4th August: Juv. Mediterranean Gull, Long Walk, Galway city (Niall Keogh).
 4th August: Dipper, River Corrib, Galway city (Niall Keogh).
 3rd August: Male Hen Harrier, Knockranny, Lough Corrib (Paul Troake).
 July 2022
 27th July: Elegant Tern & Forster's Tern, again present, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay.
 26th July: Elegant Tern, again present, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay.
 26th July: 2 Common Sandpiper, Lough Atalia, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 25th July: Green Sandpiper, Lough Coy (Ray Glynn).
 23rd July: Ad. Forster's Tern, again present, Inishroo, Corranroo Bay.
 22nd July: Elegant Tern, again present, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay.
 22nd July: Kingfisher, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Jacob Mead).
 21st July: Elegant Tern, again present, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay.
 19th July: Yellowhammer, Caherateemore/Cartymore North (Eamonn Delaney).
 19th July: Ad. Rose-coloured Starling, Kiloughter, Nr. Angliham, Lough Corrib (Marcus Hogan).
 19th July: Peregrine, Carragh Hill, Knocknacarra, Galway city (Michael Davis).
 19th July: Elegant Tern, again present, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay.
 18th July: Elegant Tern, Inishroo/Gull Island, Corranroo Bay (Sean Holland).
 18th July: 2nd Yr. Little Gull, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Dermot Breen).
 15th July: Sooty Shearwater & Common Scoter, Bunowen, Mannin (Dermot Breen).
 12th July: Kingfisher, Ower Bridge (Neil Sharkey).
 12th July: White-tailed Eagle, Glenlo, Lough Corrib (Marcus Hogan).
 11th July: Ad. Little Gull, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Paul Troake).
 11th July: Red Kite, M6 near Cappataggle (John Curley).
 10th July: Ad. Mediterranean Gull, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 9th July: Ad. Forster's Tern & 2 (Ad. & 2nd Sum.) Mediterranean Gull, Inishroo, Corranroo Bay (Paul Troake).
 3rd July: 2 Yellowhammer, Coldwood, Craughwell (Dermot Breen).
 3rd July: Fea's type Petrel, off Slyne Head (John Brittain).
 3rd July: 1st Sum. Hobby, again present, Lough Kinlea.
 2nd July: 1st Sum. Hobby, again present, Lough Kinlea.
 June 2022
 30th June: 1st Sum. Hobby, again present, Lough Kinlea.
 29th June: 1st Sum. Hobby, again present, Lough Kinlea.
 28th June: 1st Sum. Hobby, Lough Kinlea (Ruairí Goodwin).
 26th June: Black-winged Stilt, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 25th June: Black-winged Stilt, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 25th June: Fem. Red-necked Phalarope, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 24th June: Black-winged Stilt, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 23rd June: Black-winged Stilt, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 23rd June: Fem. Red-necked Phalarope, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Mike Sylvia).
 22nd June: Black-winged Stilt, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 20th June: 4 Juv. Quail, Kilconnell (Fintan Damer).
 20th June: Fem. Red-necked Phalarope, Roundstone Bog (Dermot Breen).
 14th June: Spotted Flycatcher, Dangan, Galway city (Michael Davis).
 13th June: Long-eared Owl, Clydagh, Nr. Headford (Eamonn Delaney).
 12th June: 2 Common Sandpiper, Loch Bó Finne, Inishbofin (Fearghas Mac Lochlainn).
 12th June: 7 Corncrake, Westquarter, 2 Fawnmore, Middlequarter, 2 Knock & East End, Inishbofin (Fearghas Mac Lochlainn).
 4th June: Red-necked Phalarope, c. 1 km North-west of Slyne Head (John Brittain).
 4th June: Turtle Dove, Letterfrack (Dermot Breen).
 3rd June: Common Scoter, Curramore, Lough Corrib (Neil Sharkey).
 May 2022
 21st May: 2 Corncrake, Inishbofin (John Smyth).
 20th May: 8 Manx Shearwater, Blackrock, salthill, Galway city (Steve Walton).
 17th May: 2 Corncrake, Inishbofin (Manus Curran).
 14th May: Spotted Flycatcher, Ballynahinch Castle (Dermot Breen).
 13th May: Fem. Marsh Harrier, Barranny, Lough Corrib (Marcus Hogan).
 10th May: 2 calling Corncrake, Omey Island (Carl Power).
 10th May: Arctic Skua, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 10th May: 4 Swift, Loughrea (Tom Murtagh).
 9th May: Great White Egret, Glassillaun, Nr. Killary Harbour (Dermot Flaherty).
 8th May: Marsh Harrier, Killoughter/Menlo, Lough Corrib (Darren Ellis).
 7th May: 4 Corncrake, East End (Cloonamore), Middlequarter & 2 Fawnmore, Inishbofin (Fearghas Mac Lochlainn).
 5th May: 100 Whimbrel, South Park, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 2nd May: 2 Mediterranean Gull, Cásla (Aoife Boyd).
 April 2022
 30th April: 267 Whimbrel & Common Scoter, Roscam (Sean Holland).
 29th April: 2 Sedge Warbler, Galway Golf Course, Salthill, Galway city (David O'Keeffe).
 28th April: Short-eared Owl, Clare River Bridge, N84, near Lough Corrib (per Marcus Hogan).
 27th April: Corncrake, Nr. Dolphin Hotel, Inishbofin (per NPWS Corncrake Census).
 26th April: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 25th April: Corncrake, Omey Island (per NPWS Corncrake Census).
 23rd April: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 22nd April: Male Blackcap, 10 Wheatear, 2 Peregrine, 3,000 Fulmar, 4 Chough & 80 Puffin, Inishturk (Arlene Walsh & Stephen Meany).
 22nd April: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 20th April: 3 Common Tern, Mutton Island, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 20th April: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 18th April: Jack Snipe, 4 (2 pr.) Pintail, 2nd yr. Little Gull & 70 Black-tailed Godwit, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 18th April: Cuckoo, Bearna (Conor Graham).
 18th April: 3 Whimbrel, Kilcaimin (Sean Holland).
 17th April: Whitethroat, Loughrea bypass (Tom Murtagh).
 15th April: 15 Light-bellied Brent Goose & Wheatear, again present, An Caladh Mór, Inis Meáin.
 15th April: Whimbrel, Murvey (Dermot Breen).
 14th April: Cuckoo, Roundstone (Nicholas Griffin).
 14th April: Common Sandpiper, Murlach, Ballyconneely (Dermot Breen).
 11th April: 4 Sandwich Tern, Renvyle Beach (Mike McLaughlin).
 5th April: Swallow, Cregg Hill (Dermot Breen).
 4th April: 7 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 3rd April: 2 Ring-necked Duck & Grasshopper Warbler, Coolanillaun, Lough Corrib (Mike Sylvia).
 1st April: 3 Manx Shearwater & Ad. Iceland Gull, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 1st April: 50-60 Eider, Slyne Head (Martin O'Malley).
 March 2022
 31st March: 5 Red-throated Diver & 4 Iceland Gull, Nimmo's Pier/Mutton Island, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 31st March: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, Rahasane turlough.
 27th March: 3 House Martin, Angliham, Lough Corrib (Marcus Hogan).
 25th March: Dipper, Mill Street, Galway city (Sally O'Meara).
 24th March: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 24th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 21st March: 10 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 21st March: Willow Warbler, Curramore, Nr. Inchiquin, Lough Corrib (Neil Sharkey).
 20th March: Barnacle Goose, Mutton Island, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 20th March: 2 Purple Sandpiper, An Caladh Mór, Inis Meáin (Fearghas Mac Lochlainn).
 18th March: 40 Light-bellied Brent Goose & Wheatear, An Caladh Mór, Inis Meáin (Fearghas Mac Lochlainn).
 18th March: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 17th March: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Traught.
 16th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 16th March: 2 Wheatear, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 15th March: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Kinvara.
 14th March: Long-eared Owl & Woodcock, Moycullen (Gerard Walshe).
 13th March: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 13th March: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 12th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 11th March: Spotted Redshank, Mutton Island, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 11th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 10th March: 5 Iceland Gull & 2 (Ad. & 1st Win.) Little Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Paul Troake).
 10th March: migrant Canada Goose (prob. Lesser Canada Goose, ssp. parvipes), again present, Freagillaun North, off Renvyle.
 9th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 9th March: Wheatear, South Park, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 8th March: migrant Canada Goose (prob. Lesser Canada Goose, ssp. parvipes), Freagillaun North, off Renvyle (Dermot Breen).
 8th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 7th March: Green Sandpiper, Blackrock turlough (Mike Sylvia).
 6th March: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Kinvara.
 6th March: Iceland Gull, again present, Waterside, Galway city.
 6th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 6th March: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs & White-tailed Eagle, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 5th March: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Kinvara.
 5th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 4th March: Ad. Little Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 4th March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 3rd March: 2nd yr. Iceland Gull, Knocknacarra, Galway city (David O'Keeffe).
 1st March: Black-throated Diver, Traught (Sean Cronin).
 1st March: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 1st March: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Derrycrag Wood, Woodford (Tom Murtagh).
 February 2022
 28th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 28th February: Black-throated Diver & 16 Long-tailed Duck, Inishmore (Mike Sylvia).
 27th February: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Traught.
 27th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 26th February: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Traught.
 26th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 25th February: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Newtownlynch.
 25th February: 2-1st Win. Iceland Gull & 2-1st Win. Little Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 25th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 25th February: 30 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 24th February: 4 (3-1st Win., & Ad.) Iceland Gull & 1st Win. Little Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 24th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 23rd February: Fem. Long-tailed Duck, Tarrea (Fintan Damer).
 23rd February: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Kinvara Bay.
 23rd February: 5 (3-1st Win., 2nd. Win & Ad.) Iceland Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Cian Cardiff).
 23rd February: 1st Win. Little Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Jeff Copner).
 23rd February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 22nd February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 21st February: Ad. Ring-billed Gull & 1st Win. Iceland Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Colin Delahunt).
 20th February: 4 Little Gull, Glaucous Gull & 4 Iceland Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Brian McCloskey & John Cusack).
 20th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, again present, Mutton Island, Galway city.
 19th February: 67 Greenland White-fronted Goose & Pink-footed Goose, Creganna Marsh (Sean Holland).
 19th February: 1st Win. Ross' Gull, 5 Iceland Gull, Ad. Little Gull & 1st Win. Mediterranean Gull, Mutton Island, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 15th February: Iceland Gull, again present, Waterside, Galway city.
 15th February: Ad. Kumlien's Gull, again present, Omey Island.
 11th February: Iceland Gull, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Jacob Mead).
 10th February: Iceland Gull, again present, Waterside, Galway city.
 9th February: Juv. Little Gull, again present, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city.
 7th February: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 6th February: 621 Pintail, Rahasane turlough (Dermot Breen).
 6th February: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs & White-tailed Eagle, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 6th February: 30 Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 4th February: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 4th February: Juv. Little Gull, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 3rd February: 18 Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 2nd February: Fem. Goosander, Renville West (Sean Holland).
 2nd February: White-tailed Eagle, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 2nd February: 12 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 January 2022
 31st January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 31st January: Fem. Goosander, Lough Rusheen, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 30th January: White-tailed Eagle, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 30th January: Fem. Goosander, Mweloon, Tawin (Sean Holland).
 28th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 28th January: Fem. Goosander, Lough Rea (Tom Murtagh).
 28th January: 12 Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 27th January: Short-eared Owl, Inishmore (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 27th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 26th January: Drake Green-winged Teal, Rahasane turlough (Paul Troake).
 25th January: 2 Great Northern Diver, Curramore, Inchiquin, Lough Corrib (Neil Sharkey).
 25th January: White-tailed Eagle, again present, Curramore, Inchiquin, Lough Corrib.
 25th January: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, South Park, Galway city.
 25th January: 1st Win. Iceland Gull, again present, Waterside, Galway city.
 25th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 24th January: White-tailed Eagle, Rahasane turlough (Dermot Breen).
 24th January: 2 Peregrine, Belclare turlough (Darren Ellis).
 24th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), again present, NUI Galway campus, Galway city.
 22nd January: 10 Pintail, Killeeneen, Craughwell (Tom Hennessy).
 22nd January: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 22nd January: 9 Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 21st January: 2nd yr. Iceland Gull, Kilcolgan Point, Tawin (Sean Holland)..
 21st January: 4 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 18th January: 21 Mediterranean Gull, Kilkieran Harbour (Dermot Breen).
 18th January: 1st Win. Iceland Gull, Waterside, Galway city (Tom Cuffe).
 18th January: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 17th January: Green-winged Teal, Cahermore turlough (Paul Troake).
 17th January: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 16th January: 1-2 Common Sandpiper, Kilcolgan River (Paul Troake).
 16th January: 4 Long-tailed Duck, Pollagh, Kinvara Bay (Paul Troake).
 16th January: Ad. Win. Forster's Tern, again present, Pollagh, Kinvara Bay.
 16th January: Little Auk, Sellerna Beach, Cleggan (Breda Brady).
 15th January: Ringtail Hen Harrier, Cloonteen, Kilconly (Hannah).
 15th January: 6 Glossy Ibis, Clarinbridge (John Dempsey).
 15th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), NUI Galway campus, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 15th January: 5 Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 14th January: White-tailed Eagle & Great White Egret, again present, Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 13th January: Fem. Goosander, again present, Eglington Canal, Galway city.
 13th January: 3rd yr. Glaucous Gull, Ross Beach (Dermot Breen).
 13th January: Little Auk, off Kilcolgan Point, Tawin (Paul Troake).
 13th January: Ad. Kumlien's Gull, Omey Strand (Dermot Breen).
 12th January: Marsh Harrier, Muckrush, Lough Corrib (Sean Holland).
 12th January: White-tailed Eagle, again present, between River Clare and Muckrush, Lough Corrib.
 12th January: Siberian Chiffchaff (P. c. tristis), Rahasane turlough (Ian Brophy).
 12th January: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 12th January: Fem. Goosander, again present, Eglington Canal/Nun's Island, Galway city.
 10th January: 6 Glossy Ibis, again presrent, Kilcolgan.
 10th January: 5 Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 9th January: Ad. Iceland Gull, 2 Little Gull & 8 Sandwich Tern, South Park/Mutton Island, Galway city (Mike Sylvia).
 8th January: Ad. Fem. White-tailed Eagle, Great White Egret & 2 Hen Harrier, again present, Lough Corrib.
 8th January: 2nd yr. Glaucous Gull & 4th yr. Iceland Gull, again present, Spiddal Pier.
 8th January: Otter, Nimmo's Pier, Galway city (Gerard Walshe).
 7th January: 2nd yr. Glaucous Gull & 4th yr. Iceland Gull, Spiddal Pier (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 7th January: Little Gull, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Jacob Mead).
 7th January: Ad. Fem. White-tailed Eagle & 2 Great White Egret, again present, Lough Corrib.
 7th January: 4 (3 Male & Fem.) Brambling, now present, Moycullen.
 5th January: Brambling, Glenard Crescent, Salthill, Galway city (Brendan Dunne).
 5th January: 4 Glossy Ibis, Loughrea (David Crowe).
 5th January: 2 male Brambling, again present, Moycullen.
 4th January: Allen's Gallinule, found dead, Creig an Cheirin, Inishmore (Heidrun Müller).
 3rd January: Juv. Lesser Yellowlegs, again present, Rahasane turlough.
 3rd January: 6 Glossy Ibis, Kilcolgan (Paul Troake).
 2nd January: Ad. Win. Little Gull, Rusheen Bay, Galway city (Aonghus O'Donaill).
 2nd January: Pine Marten, Derryclare Lough (Dermot Breen).
 2nd January: 2nd yr. White-tailed Eagle, again present, Derryclare Lough.
 2nd January: Brambling, Loughrea (Tom Murtagh).
 1st January: Glossy Ibis, Gort na gCapall, Inishmore (per Cliona O'Brien).
 1st January: 2 male Brambling, Moycullen (Gerard Walshe).

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